

Future Syntax of Roman

Starting with the basic syntax grammar, we have some ideas on how Roman will look like once we add in some more syntax primitives. For completeness, we will start from the beginning.

Comments --

One liner comments start with -- Multi-line comments have --- at the beginning and end.

! The Roman proclamation operator and ? the query operator

Roman uses . to create definitions or assertions or declarations.

x = 5 .        -- make a definition
      : OK

y > 5 .        -- Assert as a fact that y is greater than 5.
      : OK

y > 5 ?        -- Query if y is greater than 5. Prolog like logical deduction
      : OK, True

y = 6 ?        -- Query if y is 6
      : N/A, I'm not sure  

For explicit RPN or pre-fix notatoin, we have | pre-fix and : RPN notations

Brackets are necessary as these operators have to be in the last position.

( 3 4 + :) -- 7

( + 3 4 |) -- 7

-- both are equivalent to 

( 3 + 4 . )

-- or

3 + 4 .

Functions and Macro definition and the |> pipe operator

(x) => (x x *). -- anon function

square = x => (x x *) . -- def function

add10 = x => (x 10 +) . -- another example

plusplus = (x) ~> (x 1 +) .    -- Macro definition

2 square      -- calling a function 
  : OK, 4

2 square |> add10
  : OK, 14


If else

x if ( x > 0 ?) else -x .  

a = x if (x > 0 ? ) else -x .

Pattern Matching

s = "MON".

s matches
  "SUN" -> "SUNDAY" 
  "MON" -> "MONDAY" 
  _     -> "PICK A DAY".
                      : OK, "MONDAY"

day =
  s match 
    "Sun" -> "Sunday"
    "Mon" -> "Monday"
    _     -> "Pick a day" .


truth : string,  -- type inference declared below. 
truth = "Default truth" unless  
           ( 2 2 +) = 5 ? ~ "This is not true"
           (2 2 + ) = 4 ? ~ "This is true" .
truth : string ? 
   : Ok, True

Type Inference

truth : string,
truth : string ? 
               : Ok, True

square : number number -> number .

square : integer | float , integer | float -> integer | float .

square : (A : integer | float) , A -> A .  

A : integer | float. -- "Let A be a customer type of integer or float, union type declaration. similar to `type` keyword in elm"

A : { name : string, age : integer }.                               -- "A is a struct of alias(type). Similar to structure or `type alias` in elm". 

Concept of holes, in-complete expressions that the user will update later

We use the semi-colon to denote a Roman expression that's incomplete and which the user will come back to later.

square = (x) => () ;
                   : Ok, Waiting

square = (x) => () .
                 : Error, empty function body in declaration

Tensors, a generalization of Arrays in Roman

[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | (3 3) ] -- A tensor with shape 3, 3, that's a 3x3 matrix
A = [ 1 2 3 4 ] -- an array A with assumed shape (1). Equivalent to [ 1 2 3 4 | (1)] 

A[0] : 1  -- 0 based indexing
A[1] : 2 
A1   : 1 -- 1 based positional access. number at end of a variable is assumed to be a positional of the array (or tensor) A

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | (2 2 2) ] -- A tensor of shape 2x2x2, a data cube with 2x2 matrix and two "layers"

[ 1 2 , 3 4 ] -- Equivalent to [ 1 2 3 4 | (2 2)] a square matrix 2x2. Commas separate rows.

[ (1 2 , 3 4) (5 6 , 7 8) ] -- same as the tensor above 2x2x2

[ (1 2, 3 4) (5 6, 7 8) , (9 10, 11 12) (13 14 , 15 16)] -- is a 2x2x2x2 tesseract (array -> matrix -> cube -> tesseract) 

[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | (2 2 2 2)] -- same as above, called the longform of the tensor.


Roman has four type of collections.

() -- list or n-tuples, generic. Use index to access. is type inferred (can be any) (heterogeneous) 
{} -- A map structure use a index or keyname to access heterogeneous, has a type alias declared
[] -- tensor, ordered, can use index to access, homogeneous
|[ ]| -- table, like lua table, a set of vectors that has a type alias declared and use an index AND keyname to access, homogeneous list of heterogenous vectors.

[] can be thought as {} with integers as key coresponding to it's position


ParserBehavior contains behavior.

ParserBehavior packages

 parse : string -> (Ok, oexp) | (Error, string).
 extensions : () -> string array.


SizeTrait contains trait,
& packages

 size : @ -> number.


Rome adopts ParserBehavior,
& uses OmicronModel,
& derives SizeTrait for RomanDataModel,
& arranges ConnectionScore ,
& composes EntityPackage,
& uses Utilities as UtilsPackage,
& opens (Core, OS, Network),
& opens DefaultBundle. -- similar to Rust's preludes 

Rome packages  

 RomanData : {
  r : oexp 
  o : oexp
  m : oexp
  e : oexp 

 R : RomanData,
 R = {
  r = reader
  o = observer
  m = modeler
  e = evaluator

 R2 : RomanData ++ MyData .  -- concatenates two structs.
 parse = (s) => ( s " world" ++ :), -- concatenates two strings
 extensions = () => (["oexp", "markdown"]) .

 size : RomanData -> number,
 size = (data) => (10 4 * ) . -- fixed size of 40 for any data


ModuleSpec aka Behaviors aka Interface

A list of functions that a mod declares the intent to implement

ComponentSpec implements the Model :with Traits and Schema

States that this mod will implment a variant of a function that


how an entity embeds/integrates within the system. System here is analogus to Supervisor in Elixir


how the entity is identified and created.

Entity Module Component System

Entity: a "live" object in the program Module: a set of functions implementing behaviors that the entity and compose Component: a set of models an entity can compose System: A way of Entity to be embedded, connected and have it's end-life time controlled by the whole program (supervisor scheme).

! ping operator to send async messages

eid portid message !   -- send "message" to entity eid via our output port portid